Its Good to See Lily Evans Brewing Techniques Being Used Again Said Snape Fanfiction

Championship: His Other Best Friend
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Ii
Character(due south)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape, Lily Evans, OC
Writer: debjunk
Beta(south): Amortentia in my Veins
Rating: PG-13
Click to View [ Warning(due south) ] Angst and balmy Lily bashing .
Note(southward): Many thank you to this fest, where we can gloat our favorite Slytherin. Cheers to my beta besides.
Summary: Lily has devastated Severus. Can his Slytherin friend, Diana, help him pick up the pieces?

Severus sprinkled the Alihotsy leaves over the cauldron and stirred the potion. He and his fellow fifth-year Potions class students were brewing an Invigorating Draught. He stirred his own brew counterclockwise at present. As he thought nigh the draught, he wondered if he minced the scurvy grass instead of cutting it whether information technology would improve the potion at all. In one case he was finished stirring, he quickly minced the grass and added it to the potion. The brew turned a deep orange. He glanced over at his partner, Diana. Her draught was orangish likewise, but non quite as deep.

Professor Slughorn wandered upward at that moment.

"Ah, Mister Snape… let me see."

He leaned over the cauldron and gave it a stir with Severus' stirrer. He extracted a small spoon from his pocket and took a spoonful of the potion, letting information technology fall back into the cauldron.

"Perfect consistency, Mr. Snape."

Earthworks his spoon back into the cauldron, he lifted a spoonful to his olfactory organ and smelled it.

"Smells right."

He took a sip and clacked his tongue on the roof of his mouth a couple times. His optics grew wide.

"Why, Mr. Snape, I believe that is the best invigorating draught I've ever seen from a student. Maybe from even myself. It worked faster, and I experience its effects are more potent. Excellent job. That'due south definitely an 'O' today for your work."

Several students glared at Severus, but he ignored them. Nodding to Slughorn as the man moved off, he picked upwardly his quill and scribbled a annotation into his book nigh the scurvy grass. Diana looked over at him. Her blue eyes danced with mirth.

"Found a better way to brew some other potion, eh, Severus?"

Severus' cheeks turned slightly red as he nodded.

"Well, good prove. Sluggie e'er has to flaunt your prowess, doesn't he?" she asked.

Severus shrugged. "I wish he wouldn't."

Diana squeezed his shoulder. "He means well. I don't remember it occurs to him that some of the grade is jealous of your abilities."

"Everyone but you and Lily are jealous."

"Well, at least there are two of us who aren't!" she said with a express mirth.

Severus smirked at her as he bottled his potion.

"Are you studying after class?"

"Lily and I are getting together in the library. Do you desire to come?"

Diana thought about it as she tilted her head. Her blonde hair fell in front of her face, and she brushed it away in annoyance.

"I think I'll skip today. I wanted to go over Arithmancy. The new formulas weren't making sense to me."

Severus nodded. Diana didn't bring together them very oftentimes. It may take been because Lily ignored her well-nigh of the fourth dimension when she did.

His friend put her potion in her vial and held her hand out for Severus'. He smiled at her and handed it to her.

"Thanks," he said equally she took it and headed to the front of the form.

He watched her as she placed their labeled potions in the carrier in front of Slughorn and thought nigh his friendship with her. Diana and he had sat next to each other in the Great Hall afterward existence sorted by the Sorting hat and had go friends correct off. Next to Lily, Diana was his next-all-time friend.

He smirked to himself thinking how much Hufflepuff was in the girl. She was a loyal friend and seemed to not be as ruthless as her beau Slytherins. She went out of her manner to make the new starting time-years feel comfortable, and once you were her friend, you lot were always her friend. She put those friendships before her want to become ahead.

Diana had returned by now and packed up her things. Severus had already done and so.

"I'll come across you at dinner, then," Diana said.

He nodded and went over to Lily. Lily gave him a pocket-size smile equally she looked effectually somewhat nervously. She'd been doing that recently whenever he came upward to her in a crowd. He had been ignoring it.

"Shall we?" he asked her.

With another glance around, she nodded. They left the classroom and headed toward the library.

"How did your potion come out?" Severus asked her.

"I recall it was fine. Slughorn seemed to exist happy with yours."

Severus smirked. "He did. It's like he makes a beeline for me whenever I finish something so he tin can strut around like a peacock."

Lily giggled. They moved on, chatting together quietly. Heading into the library, they plant some empty tables towards the dorsum of the room. Lily rushed to the farthest i from everyone. Severus didn't mind. He wanted quiet and then they could concentrate.

They settled in and were soon poring over their books and notes. They discussed the potions they had worked on for the last couple weeks. After a while they became placidity equally they worked on their own items. Lily glanced up at Severus a couple times before looking direct at him.


Severus looked up at her. "Hmm?"

"The yr's almost over."


"I retrieve… This summer is going to be very decorated for me. I'm not certain how much time we'll be able to have to hang out together."

Severus' face fell. "I thought we were going to explore the river. What well-nigh sneaking into the establish?"

Lily's face up clouded. "Sev… I don't want to break into the plant. I don't even know where y'all got that idea!"

"We were talking concluding month! Y'all said you lot'd never been inside it, and I said information technology would be fun to get in late at dark and explore it. You agreed that it would be fun."

"Yeah, but, Sev, I was just going along. I'thousand not a burglar."

Severus' eyes narrowed. "I'm not a burglar either. There's a large difference between sneaking in and taking stuff."

"I'm surprised you remember that," she said snottily.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Lily slammed her volume shut and looked at him caustically. "I heard what you did with Mulciber. Sneaking in to steal potions ingredients… that'due south wrong, Severus!"

"I… that's not what happened!"

"And so what happened? I heard you lot were getting ingredients to brew truth serum. Why would you need that?"

Severus felt himself getting angry. "That's not what happened!"

"Well, that'southward what I heard," Lily said smugly.

"And of course, gossip is more reliable than my word," Severus said bitterly.

"You lot know yous ever get up to no skilful when you hang out with Mulciber and Avery!"

"I do not! We're ordinarily only trying to take some fun."

Lily harrumphed. "What you do with them is foul, Sev. They're foul."

"Well, you hang out with Potter. He'south foul too!"

Lily stood up, enraged. "I practice not hang effectually with James!"

"Oh, it'south James now, is it?"

"Yes, he's a member of my house, I can phone call him by his proper noun!"

"You used to call him a toe-rag."

"Sev!" Lily said in exasperation. "You lot're incommunicable!"

With that she grabbed her things and stormed off. Severus looked at her in annoyance as she walked away from him, but soon enough his face had fallen, and he looked miserable. He slowly put his books away in his handbag, dejectedly left the library, and went down to his room in the dungeons.

"Severus!" Diana cried as she rushed into the dungeons.

She threw herself downwards on the couch and grabbed his hand. He'd been reading his Ancient Runes text and her hand surrounded his every bit it held the volume. He looked at her with a smirk.

"My, yous're quite enthusiastic, aren't you?"

Diana giggled. "Y'all'll never gauge what I establish," she said to him in a slightly quieter vocalization.

He biconvex an eyebrow at her.

"Better yet, I'll prove you."

Diana jumped up from the sofa and grabbed Severus' hand again, pulling at him to stand.

"Wait a minute," he said testily, but got upwardly shortly afterward.

He scowled at her, but she grinned at him. "Just wait 'til you lot see, Severus."

Her enthusiasm was and then catchy that he couldn't assist his smirk. "Well, permit'south get, then, I guess."

She grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her as they left the dungeons and climbed the stairs to the 3rd floor. Diana excitedly explained what she'd establish.

"A couple times I've heard some seventh-years talking almost a undercover passage to Hogsmeade. I searched the entire flooring looking for possible places where a passageway could exist hidden. You should have seen me trying to observe it. I tapped virtually everything chanting that Dissendium incantation."

"I have it you lot found information technology?" Severus interrupted her. He knew if he didn't, her excitement would cause her to go on for another ten minutes.

"Yes!" she cried equally she pulled her arms up and shook them in excitement. "Come up on!"

She increased her speed and Severus most had to run to keep upwardly with her. Before they knew it, they were continuing in forepart of the statue of Gunhilda of Gorsemoor.

"It's hither?" he asked.

Diana nodded. She tapped the statue with her wand.

"Dissendium," she said.

The great hump on the statue'due south back slid aside with a scraping audio. Severus and Diana went around to the dorsum of the statue and peered into the hole. There appeared to be a slide that led into the darkness.

"Where does it come out?" Severus asked.

Diana shrugged. "I don't know. When the statue bankrupt in half, I was so excited I came to get you lot so we could explore it."

"You say it goes to Hogsmeade?"

"That's what Bradley Dunne was saying earlier."

"Information technology must be really long if it goes all the way there."

"Truthful. It'll probably take a while to go through."

"Well," Severus said with a smirk. "I don't have anything else to do except study for O.W.L.southward."

"Me neither, permit'southward go!"

Before Severus could say anything more, Diana had dived onto the slide and disappeared. He frowned and lit the tip of his wand earlier doing the aforementioned. The slide wasn't super long, only it took a little time to become to the footing. Ahead of them was a tunnel big enough to walk through. They set up out, Severus adjacent to Diana.

At beginning, they were both silent, the wonder of something new and mysterious keeping them both tranquillity. After a while, though, they began to chatter to one another.

"How long do y'all call up it'll take to get in that location?" Severus asked.

"We've already been walking for a while," Diana said. "Hopefully, nosotros'll get there soon."

They walked on, discussing classes. Severus got placidity after a while.

"What is information technology?" Diana asked.

Severus pouted. "Lily and I had another row."

Diana rolled her eyes. "Now what did she accuse you of."

"She heard nearly Mulciber and me sneaking into Slughorn'due south stores. According to her we were going to brew truth serum."

Diana snorted. "She actually believed that? Why would y'all demand truth serum? That makes no sense at all."

Severus shrugged every bit he looked grumpily to the floor equally they walked. "She believes whatever her Gryffindor friends tell her."

Diana hung her head. "I'm pitiful, Severus. This is my mistake. If I hadn't asked you to get me some Sleeping Draught none of this would have happened."

Severus gave her a caustic wait. "You are not to blame. You know the rumor mill around hither. We were clumsy enough to go caught by a Gryffindor Prefect, and a Slytherin is never doing something for altruistic reasons."

Diana put her hand on his shoulder. "I appreciate y'all getting it for me. After a week of sleepless nights, it was a life saver. You were clever Disillusioning information technology, so information technology wasn't seen."

Severus shrugged his shoulders. "Information technology seemed similar the best mode once we were caught."

Diana got close to him and grinned. "So very Slytherin of you."

"Diana!" he ground out in badgerer.

At that signal they reached an impassable wall. They looked effectually and saw a trap door above their heads. Diana found a minor rock and transformed information technology into a footstep ladder. Severus climbed upwardly and peeked through the trap door, pushing his wand through to see where they'd ended upwardly. He saw a large room with boxes and boxes piled in information technology. His optics grew broad every bit he saw the writing on the boxes and realized where they were. He advisedly closed the trap door and looked downwardly at Diana.

"It's the cellar at Honeydukes!" he said in an excited whisper.

Diana gaped at him. "They're closed now, correct?"

Severus nodded.

"Well, let's go!"

They burst through the trap door and walked through the cellar coming to stairs that obviously led upwardly to the candy store. Looking at each other, they both nodded. Diana went beginning, closely followed by Severus. Despite the store being closed, they were careful not to make any noise. They apace emerged in the candy shop.

Diana pulled some Knuts out of her pocket and counted them. She looked upward at Severus.

"I accept plenty for two sugar quills and a chocolate frog."

Severus' eyebrows narrowed. "Only if we leave the money, someone volition know we were in hither and they'll ask… questions."

"Hmm, yous're right of course." She looked around.

She moved over to the cash annals. "I know. We can put the money underneath the cash register like information technology got pushed under it? That way they'll eventually find the money and think it simply got lost there."

Severus came up to her and eyed the register. It sat about ii centimeters above the counter supported by 4 small legs. He looked over at Diana and smiled.

"Let's do information technology."

Diana put the change on the counter and stuffed information technology nether the register near the part of the counter where the customers came to pay. They nodded at each other and turned from the counter.

Severus went over and plucked ii Sugar Quills out of a basket and handed one to Diana. She rapidly unwrapped information technology, stuffing the newspaper into her pocket. She popped hers into her mouth only equally Severus did, and they both grinned around the quills.

They went around the store to where the chocolate frogs were. Diana waved her hand over the handbasket.

Which shall I cull?" she asked.

Severus shrugged.

She waved her hand some more and closed her eyes. Severus snorted.

"You're non a Seer, Diana."

Diana opened her optics and gave him a saucy smiling. "How do you know? Maybe I've been hiding my talent from you."

"Just choice one," Severus said in exasperation.

She chose one and ripped the box open. Severus was gear up and grabbed the frog mid bound, surrounding information technology with his hands. He deftly tore the chocolate frog in one-half and handed one part to Diana. Looking at her, he tried to see what card they'd gotten.

"Salazar Slytherin! He's hard to find!" cried Severus. He looked at Diana with big eyes. "Maybe you are a Seer!"

Diana fabricated a face at him. "Very funny."

Afterwards a expert laugh together, they decided it was fourth dimension to go and slinked dorsum to the stairs, creeping back down to the cellar. They descended back into the passage and made their way back through the long tunnel to Hogwarts, grinning and laughing all the mode.

Darkness… that'due south all he deserved.

He'd tried to apologize to Lily. She'd ignored him. Subsequently sitting outside the Gryffindor Common Room door near of the night, she'd finally come out to berate him.

He was numb at present.

After her castigation, he'd descended the stairs all the way to the dungeons and wandered through the halls until he'd found the most obscure corridor down there. He'd moved to the finish of the hall and sabbatum huddled in the corner.

Surrounded by obscurity, he let his head fall dorsum against the wall every bit he stared into the blackness. His face was expressionless for a while until a single tear fell downward his left cheek. He furiously rubbed information technology abroad, sneering at his weakness.

Damn those Marauders. They'd ruined everything. He'd lost his best friend… the girl he wanted to be with forever. His face crumpled in grief and he cached it in his hands.

There had to exist something he could practise to make her see how sorry he was. There just had to exist. What would he do without her? How could he function without her there for him?

He lifted his caput and blinked into the darkness, feeling absolutely worthless. This was where he belonged. He didn't deserve to exist in the calorie-free. The light was for people who were good. People better than him. He was a waste. Not worth annihilation, really. Everyone thought and then. That'southward why his parents hated him. That was why the foul git Marauders wouldn't leave him alone. And at present, that was why Lily Evans would never speak with him again.

There was no more light for him. He'd destroyed it with 1 word.

Severus hurried afterward Lily once Potions class was over.

"Lily, wait," he called to her.

She kept walking.

He pushed past several students and hurried to her side.

"Please," he said as he came even with her.

She increased her speed and moved in front of him once more.

"Lily, I'k sorry. I was… they had…"

Lily stopped and wheeled around, a look of fury on her face.

"We already had this discussion, Sev. I told you I'g done with you."

"Please, requite me a chance to make it up to yous. You lot know ordinarily I would never…"

"Terminate! What you said is unforgivable! Only… just get out me alone!"

She turned from him then and stalked off, her back ramrod direct as she moved away from him. He stared at her back with a wistful await on his face. He just stood there as a myriad of feelings went through his mind. It had been two weeks, and she hadn't looked at him or spoken to him at all. He had tried to talk to her on several occasions, simply she had snubbed him every time.

He stood alone in the hallway as students passed on both sides of him, making their mode to their next class. He watched her disappear from his life as she turned the corner downward the hall. He just stood there. He couldn't move.

Suddenly, a hand grasped his shoulder. Equally he felt the hand, he realized he hadn't taken a breath since Lily had stalked abroad from him. Breathing in, he slowly turned to meet who had touched him. Diana stood there with a concerned look on her face up.

"Come on, Severus," she said sympathetically. "Let's go."

She tugged at his arm, pulling him in the contrary direction of the way Lily went. Severus looked back to where Lily had disappeared and held his gaze in that location as he was pulled away. Finally, he turned in the other direction, looking to the footing equally he was led away.

Diana took him the long way around back to the stairs leading upward to the Entrance Hall. She led him exterior, and they moved to an expanse of the backyard where no i was sitting. She gently pushed him downwardly to sit and joined him on the grass. It was then he looked upwards curiously, as if he'd merely awakened.

"We should exist in History of Magic," he muttered.

Diana waved her hand at him in a dismissive manner.

"We won't miss anything if we skip. How many times tin can you lot acquire most the Goblin wars?"

Severus nodded and looked to the ground.

"Exercise you want to talk about information technology?" she asked tentatively.

He shook his head.

"It might make y'all feel a footling better," she urged.

He shook his head again.

"Okay," she said.

Taking his hand, she just held information technology and looked out over the lake as Severus gazed at the basis, not proverb a discussion.

He tried to apologize five more than times before he simply gave up. Lily wouldn't even await at him when he spoke to her. She'd huff at him and stalk off. Finally, he admitted to himself that it was a lost crusade, and she would never, ever forgive him for his proper name-calling.

Now he saturday on the Hogwarts Express heading back to his home. Diana sabbatum next to him, but he was ignoring her. He was thinking of the summer to come. Usually, he would spend a lot of fourth dimension with Lily, just that would not happen this summer. He would need to notice another style to escape from his horrid homelife.

As if Diana had read his thoughts, she spoke.

"Hey," she said, causing him to turn and look at her.

"Maybe you lot tin come spend some time with me for a little flake. Information technology's probably pretty deadening in Cokeworth… and bloody hot. I'll talk to my parents and come across if they're okay with you coming."

Severus looked at her. He candy what she said and felt a slight bit of hope for his summer. He nodded and turned dorsum to the window to silently spotter the scenery go by.

"Severus?" Diana called dorsum to him.

He turned to her once again.

"It'll be okay. You'll see."

Severus looked down and frowned.

"You've hardly spoken since Lily bandage you off. Delight tell me what happened when you lot spoke to her. It'due south been weeks. I'm your friend. You can talk to me."

Severus let his hair autumn in front of his face up but didn't reply.

"Sometimes it helps to talk about it," she coerced.

He didn't say anything, so she decided to do all the talking.

"When Avery told me what happened, I followed Potter for the balance of the week. I sent non-verbal stinging hexes at him whenever in that location was a crowd so he wouldn't know it was me."

Severus looked up at her then with an arched eyebrow.

"I wish I had strung him upside down and removed his pants and castrated the bastard to boot!" Diana said haughtily.

Severus smirked at that. They were repose for a while, and Severus returned his gaze to the window. Finally, he spoke.

"I've never been so humiliated in my life," he said softly.

"I'm so ill of those prats strutting around like they ain the place," Diana said with a huff. "They should have been expelled for what they did. Someone needs to set them directly."

"Dumbledore will never practise anything," Severus replied.

"Well, I don't know if anyone in potency will. They're beloved Gryffindors subsequently all. So, I took matters into my ain hands."

Severus whipped his head effectually to her.

"What did y'all exercise?"

"Last dark I Disillusioned myself and followed a first-year into their Common Room. I waited until anybody was asleep and so snuck upwards into their dorm room. I put a present in each of their trunks."

"Do tell," Severus said.

This was the near interest he'd shown in anything since the O.W.L.s.

"I replaced their toiletries with creations of my own. They're transfigured to look just like what they unremarkably use. They're all set to go off at different times, so they won't know that I've replaced all of them until they've suffered most of them."

Severus waited impatiently. "Go along!" he cried.

Diana smiled at him. "It's nice to run into y'all excited about something," she remarked. "Their shampoo will plough their hair green and won't be reversible for a month. The soap won't activate for at least 2 weeks, but when it does, it will give them itchy hives. Their toothpaste will make all their teeth fall out. …Unfortunately, a Healer will be able to regrow them, but it'll be worth information technology knowing they will exist toothless for a while, and I've heard information technology's painful to grow them back. That'll actuate in about a calendar week. All of them but Pettigrew had aftershave. That'll fire their faces three weeks after they apply it, and I charmed their razors to constantly nick them. They'll probably just alter the blade, but hopefully it takes a few good chunks out of their faces before they exercise."

She gave Severus a smug look. Severus grinned at her. He knew she was his friend, but he didn't realize how far she would get for their friendship.

"Diana… I don't know what to say."

"Well, yous don't have to say anything."

"Yep, I do. Y'all went out of your way to become revenge for me. I won't soon forget that."

Diana smiled, and he followed suit.

"I'chiliad glad I was able to make you lot grinning, even for merely a little while."

Severus regarded her curiously. She was a adept friend. Peradventure next yr wouldn't be as horrible every bit he was expecting it to exist.

"Thanks, Diana."

"What are friends for?" she said with a laugh.

Severus nodded, just his thoughts went to Lily again with her statement, and he felt the mirth leave him.

Diana looked at him. "She'southward existence a cow, y'all know," she remarked.

Severus shook his head. "No, I said something terrible to her. I deserve her ire."

"For iii weeks? I can meet her being mad, definitely. That's probably the worst thing you can call a Muggleborn, Severus. Just it'southward been three weeks! She called herself your friend, but she can't forgive you lot for a single give-and-take when you lot were under stress?"

"Yous don't understand."

Diana gave him an incredulous wait.

"What's to empathise? Avery explained what those creeps did and your reaction. It makes full sense that you would strike out at someone wanting to help. You lot've never been gracious when embarrassed. She knew that. For Merlin's sake, she's known you longer than I have, and I understood that."

"I deserve everything she said to me… "

"What did she say? Y'all've been mum almost it. What did she say to you?"

"She said I phone call anybody like her that word." He grimaced as he recalled her chewing out. "She wouldn't take my apology. She said her friends couldn't understand why she fifty-fifty talks to me."
His shoulders sagged, and he looked downward, pain reflecting in his face. He looked gutted.

"Bloody tosser," Diana said emphatically. "Her friends—her friends—aren't you supposed to exist her friend?"

"She thinks I'm going to exist a Death Eater."

"Are you?"

He shrugged.

"Well, you shouldn't exist, especially because of her."

He looked up at Diana.

"Similar I said before, she's a daft cow. Friends forgive each other. She just wants an alibi to throw you abroad because you're not like her other shitty friends. They're all a bunch of bossy, bigoted… "

"Diana, don't."

Diana looked at him. Her shoulders sagged, and she looked downwardly into her lap.

"I just hate that she'due south made yous experience this way, Severus. It's non right. You lot've been best friends since before y'all fifty-fifty came here. She's merely tossing you away because she'due south found others whose friendships are easier."

"She's not like that."

Diana's head snapped up. "Y'all just can't see it, Severus. She definitely is like that. She walks around like she's the queen effectually here. She and her friends hate Slytherins, and they're vocal almost information technology, too."

"Merely she's my friend."

Diana put her hand on his shoulder. "Is she?"

His lips thinned, simply he said nothing.

"Seems to me that if she is your friend, she's the worst kind."

"We've been… I was…"

"Please, Severus," she said as she looked at him with sympathy. "But admit she's a bad friend."

He put his confront in his hands. "I can't. I've ruined everything, and she'll never talk to me once more, simply I can't see her as a bad friend. It'due south my mistake, non hers."

Diana put her arm around Severus. "I'one thousand sorry you lost your friend," she said to him finally.

They sat like that for the residual of the railroad train ride.

Severus and Diana sat on a blanket outside in her back yard. Her firm wasn't a mansion like many Slytherins' homes, only it was large and the grounds were all-encompassing. The farthest office was filled with trees making a small-scale forest, and at that place was a pool near the house. The pair sat a footling means beyond the pool, where information technology was dark-green and open. It was the perfect place for a picnic.

It was the concluding 24-hour interval of summertime, and they'd be headed back to Hogwarts the adjacent day. The picnic handbasket sabbatum alongside them, and they had a couple of empty plates and 2 tall spectacles of lemonade in forepart of them.

"Thanks for letting me stay so long, Diana," Severus said.

"Well, technically, my parents permit you stay," Diana said with a smirk.

"Still, I appreciate information technology. Life at home… well, yous know information technology sucks."

"So, you spent the summer here!" Diana said cheerfully.

"And my parents didn't even seem to care. They were happy to encounter the backside of me."

"Does information technology bother y'all?" Diana asked.

He shrugged. "I'thousand used to it. Information technology'south better if I'm not around. I make Dad angrier. He takes information technology out more on Mum… and me. One of these days I'm non going to let him."

"Somebody needs to put him in his identify," Diana said with a huff.

They both quieted as they stared across the grounds. They'd both found the area was a nice place to sit and recollect or simply wander effectually. They had done a lot of that this summer, forth with taking dips in the pool.

"Are you looking forwards to tomorrow?" Severus asked Diana.

She smirked. "Of grade! It's our sixth-twelvemonth! I tin't await to get dorsum to Charms. Professor Flitwick promised to help me with creating a couple of spells to train owls."

Severus raised an eyebrow. "He's going to privately tutor you?"

"Well, not actually. Only a couple of lessons."

"That's vivid! Possibly I can get Slughorn to do that for me with Potions."

Diana looked at him excitedly. "You should! He already drools all over y'all every time you're in class. Sluggie would probably recollect information technology's a good way to wrap you in his cyberspace even more."

Severus smirked. "He is rather obvious, isn't he? But still, he has good connections, and he knows his Potions."

"Definitely. You should definitely get him to aid you out."

Diana looked at him with her deep blue eyes. "What about Lily?"

Severus looked down. "What virtually her?"

"Has the summertime helped yous to be in a better place when it comes to her?"

"Unless she starts talking to me, I will never be in a better place with her."

"I still think she'south foul. She hasn't fifty-fifty written you a letter or annihilation." Diana scowled every bit she looked away from Severus towards the puddle.

"Mr. Snape, a word later course, please?" Professor Slughorn said to him as he swept around the room, checking the students' progress.

"Yes sir," he said.

Diana gave him a curious look, but Severus but shrugged. He really didn't know what Slughorn wanted.

After the students were done and anybody had cleaned up their spaces, Severus approached his teacher's desk.

"Ah, Mr. Snape, are you lot very busy in the evenings?" Slughorn asked.

"Other than studying, sir, not really."

"I would similar someone to help me mash stores for the Infirmary and other items. In reviewing my seventh-year student options, none of them are as advanced as y'all. Would you be able to come down on Thursdays to assist me brew?"

Severus tapped down his excitement and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah sir. I can definitely help you out."

"Skilful show, my boy. I'll see yous at six 30 on Thursday so, right after dinner."

"Yeah sir," Severus said every bit he turned and left the classroom.

He made his mode to the Dungeons, his steps lite for the showtime time in a while. They were a calendar month into schoolhouse, and classes were going fine, merely he missed his friend. She refused to talk to him, just he didn't push the issue.

Speak of the devil, there she was. Lily stood ahead of him in the hall talking with Cora Harvey. He debated turning and going the other way, but he refused to run from her. Standing downwards the hall, he glanced at the 2 girls.

Lily'due south head turned toward him. She frowned, and her eyes narrowed at him. He nodded at her, only she simply turned her head, her nose in the air, and she continued speaking with Cora.

Severus' light mood crashed downward around him. His stomach felt sour, and he felt the hopelessness he always felt when he'd encounter Lily. She never spoke with him. Never. His shoulders slumped, and he slunk away down the hall and to the stairs which would pb him to the dungeons.

When he got there, he flung himself on the couch facing the fireplace and crossed his arms in front end of him. He glared at anyone who looked every bit if they might bring together him. No one approached him. He stared into the flames and got lost in them as he thought virtually Lily.

He missed her and then much. He couldn't empathise why she wouldn't relent and forgive him. He'd tried and tried to talk to her, simply she wouldn't fifty-fifty expect at him unless she had to. He'd permit her be, but he still secretly tried to catch a glance from her. It was always a scowl.

After sulking for a while, he noticed someone come up up and stand side by side to him. He looked up and saw Diana standing there looking at him with concern.

"Let's take a walk," she said.

Severus slowly rose and followed her out of the room. They climbed the stairs and exited the castle. Diana turned and linked her arm with Severus'.

"Let'southward get comfortable," she said every bit she pointed to a spot on the lawn nigh a tree.

They headed over and settled in, both leaning against the tree but close plenty to each other to be able to chat.

"Evidently," she began, "the entire schoolhouse is talking near us."

"Why?" Severus asked.

"They recollect we're a couple."


Diana smirked. "They noticed we spend all our time together. They think we're having a torrid romance."

"Just I don't similar you lot similar that!" Severus cried defensively.

"And I don't similar yous like that either!" Diana said caustically.

"Did you tell them that?"

"Tell who? It'due south all over the school. Should nosotros take an ad out in The Prophet?"

Severus scowled. Diana pushed into him with her shoulder.

"You know what, we tin take advantage of this and have some fun."

He looked at her curiously. "How tin nosotros do that?"

"Let's let the rumors run wild! I don't have anybody to print hither. I don't care who everyone thinks I'm seeing. And you… well, Severus, it might be nice to show Lily that life goes on without her royal highness."

Severus biconvex an countenance at her. "But…"

"I know yous're still upset, but she doesn't need to know that. You give her more power when you look at her wistfully or even admit her. If she thinks we're involved, either she'll get jealous, or she'll stop thinking she has all the power over you lot."

"She doesn't retrieve that…. She doesn't want to call back about me at all."

Diana huffed. "Right."

"I see her hateful looks whenever I pass by her."

Diana rolled her eyes. "Do y'all know why she does that?"

"Considering she hates me."

Diana shook her head. "No, that'due south non it at all. She craves the attention. If you react to her nasty looks, then she gets the attention she wants. She doesn't want to be bothered being your friend, just she wants you to pine away afterwards her then she tin can experience important."

Severus' mouth dropped open, but he said nil. Finally, he tried to defend his prior friend.

"No, she'south not like that."

"Isn't she?"

"I suppose you'll tell me now how she really is similar that."

"I always do," Diana said dryly.

Severus rolled his eyes at her. "Proceed."

"I know you try not to spotter Lily, just you current of air upwards watching her anyway. Have you noticed how she acts effectually Potter?"

"I look the other way when she's with him."

Diana nodded and reached out to squeeze his hand. "Of course. Well, I have no issues with watching them. She pretends to ignore him, which makes him try to catch her attending. When he does, she sticks her nose up and walks the other way, which just makes Potter desire to go after her even harder."

Severus stared at his friend. "How on earth did you figure all that out?"

"I similar to watch people. My mother was very practiced at reading people. I've always admired that in her. She taught me to pay attending to others. I'k constantly working to better my power to read everyone around me."

"And that'due south how you perceive Lily? Does she exercise the same thing with any of her friends?"

"Somewhat. Information technology's more subtle because she already has them equally friends. She simply uses words more often than not with them. She takes stands and makes information technology sound like others are dumb to disagree with her."

Severus thought almost what Diana said for a infinitesimal. "She'south washed that with me. Quite often, actually. Or she doesn't let me go a word in edgewise. That's what she did when I outset apologized to her. I tried to answer her, but she kept on saying why nosotros couldn't exist friends anymore and finally walked away, leaving me in the hallway in front of the Fat Lady."

"I told you she's a cow, Severus. Yous're worth much more that."

Severus looked abroad and scowled. He didn't completely agree with Diana, but he knew that arguing with her was a lost cause. He decided to modify the subject a little.

"I saw her today later class. She glared at me and looked away similar e'er. I had been in a good mood before that. You won't believe what Slughorn asked of me later on class."

Diana sabbatum up straight. "What did he say?"

Severus felt excitement course through him again at the thought of his new opportunity.

"He's asked me to assistance him brew on Thursday nights!" he said equally his eyes grew big. "He said I was better than any seventh-yr, so he offered it to me."

Diana threw her artillery around Severus. "And he'southward right! You lot're the all-time student in the whole school. That's brilliant!"

She leaned back and pulled her arms from him. "I'm then proud of you, Severus."

He smiled shyly at her.

"See, at that place'south lots to be happy about. Slughorn is smooching up to you, and we are a couple in everyone's eyes…"

"Diana!" Severus ground out.

"Oh, come on, Severus. Information technology'll be funny to let the rumors spread, don't you lot call back?"

"Maybe," he said as he studied her. "The thing is, if everyone thinks nosotros're together… I mean, I don't care about me… simply… don't yous want a… you know… swain?"

Diana rolled her eyes. "Hardly! The boys here are all just that… boys. And if one of them of a sudden becomes interesting and grows a encephalon, nosotros can talk well-nigh that then. Honestly, it'll keep people from approaching me. I've seen Avery looking at me. The guy is a moron. Why would he think I'd desire to become out with him?"

Severus chuckled. "All right, all right. I see your point. What practice we do to pull this charade off?"

"Pretty much the same matter we've been doing. We spend a lot of time with each other." She idea for a moment. "Let'south make sure we walk with each other to classes."

Severus scowled at her. "I supposed you'll want to take nicknames for one some other."

Diana looked at him curiously. "What exercise you mean?"

"Don't you hear couples around hither? They call each other stupid names like sweetheart, dearie… pumpkin."

He stressed the first part of pumpkin equally he sneered. Diana snorted with laughter.

"You're right, we need to practice that. What should we telephone call 1 another?"

Severus and Diana stared at each other a while, trying to find the correct moniker for each other. Severus' eyes lit upwards, and he looked at Diana with a calculating grin.

"I know, I'll call y'all 'My Treasure.'"

Diana chuckled. She eyed Severus some more and and then got an excited await on her confront.

"And yous'll be my 'Dearest Heart.'"

Severus gaped at her.

"It's perfect, correct?" she said equally she opened her arms broad emphatically.

"I… guess?" Severus answered, at a loss for words.

"You await upset, Honey Center. Don't yous like your nickname?"

"It'southward a petty much, don't you think?"

"Of class!" Diana cried. "That's why it'south perfect."

"Diana," Severus ground out. "You know I'm non much for beingness on display. Maybe this is a bad thought."

"And perchance it'southward the nigh brilliant thought I've always had!"

Severus tried to control his express joy, just he couldn't. He threw his head back and guffawed at his friend. She was so dramatic sometimes— the exact opposite of Severus' reticence. He calmed his express mirth down and looked at her. Maybe she was right.

Diana moved closer to him so their faces were close to one another one time Severus lifted his caput up from laughing. He looked at her with mild surprise.

"You demand to loosen upward, Severus Snape. Laugh at yourself sometimes. It won't kill you."

He arched an eyebrow at her. "Are you sure?"

She slapped his arm. "Of course, I'm sure, you nutter."

He sighed. "I'thousand non a nutter," he said absently as he thought about what she said.

"Oh, you know what I mean!" Diana said with a flip of her hand. "You have spent the terminal while torturing yourself. It's time to forgive yourself and have some fun."

Severus looked down. "I don't know how to do that."

"Just play forth with me. Information technology'll come. And if it doesn't, we can attempt something else. Okay, Beloved Heart?"

Severus snorted. "If you say and so, My Treasure."

Diana grinned conspiratorially at Severus, who grinned right back.

"There yous are," she said. "I like seeing you smile."

His grin grew slightly wider.

It was time for dinner when they returned to the castle. They walked together closely, Diana laughing at something Severus said, and Severus grinning shyly at her. They fabricated their style to the Slytherin table and sat next to one another as they filled their plates and ate their dinner.

"Dear Heart, can you lot laissez passer the brew?" Diana asked.

Severus picked up the bowl and handed information technology to her. "Hither you are, My Treasure."

Mulciber looked at them curiously. "You guys are together?" he asked gruffly.

"We've always been friends," Diana said with a shrug earlier she popped a forkful of brew into her mouth and ate it while staring at Mulciber.

He looked down at his plate and continued shoveling nutrient into his oral fissure, their chat forgotten.

After a while, both Severus and Diana were done eating.

"Shall we go to the dungeons and so nosotros can study Aboriginal Runes?" Diana asked Severus.

He nodded. "I want to go up to the Astronomy Tower afterwards and then we can piece of work on that essay as well."

"Yeah, let's plan on that."

They rose from the tabular array. Severus noticed Diana glancing over at the Gryffindor table. Of a sudden her arm was effectually his waist. His eyes grew wide, then he relaxed and just went with information technology. He swung his arm over her shoulder, and they left the Hall. He didn't even await towards the Gryffindor table, afraid of what he'd see. He knew Diana would see and tell anyway.

They moved to the stairs but didn't say anything equally they descended. When they finally got into the Dungeons, Diana permit get of him. She turned to Severus and grinned evilly.

"Did you see her face? Did you see it?" she cried.

"I was turned the reverse fashion. I didn't endeavour to look either. I didn't want to see it."

"Oh Severus, you should have peeked. Information technology was… she was… wow."

"Your description is rather lacking in detail, Diana. I accept no thought what yous're on about."

"She looked like this."

Diana imitated Lily. Her jaw went slack and dropped open and her optics bugged out. Severus smirked.

"Did she really expect similar that?"

Diana nodded. Severus' lips thinned. He didn't know what to make of her reaction.

"This is proficient, Severus. Permit her meet that your life goes on without her. Perchance it'll get her to rethink her position."

Severus' eyebrows knit together. "What if information technology doesn't?" he asked balefully.

"And then she'due south not worth your fourth dimension, Severus. She never was."

Severus sighed and looked to the basis. Diana reached out and grabbed his arm.

"You lot deserve better," she said as she squeezed his arm.

He but shrugged.

Two weeks had passed, and Severus and Diana were considered a couple by everyone. The buzz virtually them had finally calmed down, and they were simply another piece of the normal everyday goings-on at Hogwarts that was now ignored. Except for Lily. She stared at them all the fourth dimension. Severus watched her covertly, and both Diana and he had concluded she was jealous.

"It makes no sense. She hates me," Severus complained to Diana as they saturday studying in the Dungeons.

"I told you, she doesn't. The thing is, Severus, earlier y'all were just hers. There was no other daughter paying attention to y'all in that manner. Even though we were friends, she didn't consider me a threat. Now that information technology looks like nosotros're dating, she'southward thinking well-nigh what she may exist missing because she threw you lot away."

Severus stared at the ground. That was what she'd done, wasn't it? Thrown him away. A deep sadness filled him at how she'd just cast him away like that. He couldn't understand why she was acting every bit she was.

He frowned as he finished up the letter he was writing to his mum. Folding it upwardly, he looked at Diana.

"I demand to go to the Owlery and send this off. Do yous want to come?"

Diana shook her head. She lifted upwardly her Astronomy text. "I need to grab up on the terminal 2 lessons."

Severus nodded and rose from his seat. "I'll run across y'all, so."


Severus left and headed for the Owlery. His heed was filled with questions well-nigh Lily. Diana had been pretty adamant that she had been a bad friend, but Severus had been adamant that it was all his fault, and Lily had only been reacting to his awful words to her.

Just now he questioned that. As Diana had said, he'd apologized— several times—earlier he'd given upward. But to no avail. It made him experience quite worthless when he dwelled upon it, so he hadn't really spent fourth dimension thinking most it. He'd been busy playing boyfriend to Diana anyway.

He trudged up the pathway to the tower that held the owlery and frowned equally he went. He didn't know what he could do to become Lily's friendship back. She ignored him. He was lost without her, though. He just wanted his friend back.

Severus climbed the stairs and chose an owl to deliver his letter of the alphabet. He attached it to the owl's human foot and sent her on her way. Descending the stairs, he came out of the belfry and almost slammed into Lily.

"Sad," he said every bit he looked abroad from her and tried to go around her.


Severus stopped mid step and froze in his place.

"Sev, tin I enquire y'all a question?"

Severus turned to her and looked at her curiously. He nodded finally.

"Why are you going out with that MacHenry girl?"

Severus felt his ire rising within him. He'd wished that she would speak with him for months at present. But this? His eyebrows drew close.

"Y'all don't say a discussion to me for months, and the first thing you say to me is that?" he asked caustically.

"I was curious," Lily replied haughtily.

Suddenly, the need to have Lily Evans talk to him disappeared. He glowered at her.

"What business is it of yours?" he asked her.

She said nil.

"What do you care who I am seeing?"

"She's… well, she's… horrid!"

Severus stepped closer to Lily. He tampered down his anger despite wanting to tear her head off.

"In what way is she horrid?" he asked crisply, trying to control his tone and so she'd answer him.

"Well, she's a Slytherin, isn't that plenty?" Lily said equally she lifted her caput defiantly.

"Did you forget that I, too, am a Slytherin?"

"You're not like them, Sev. She's constantly staring at me. She's upward to no good, I tin can tell."

Everything Diana had been saying about Lily crashed into his mind. Her need to control situations. Her jealousy of him. With Lily's crazed declarations he well-nigh believed Diana'due south assumptions to exist true. His eyes narrowed at her.

"How dare you! You've non spoken more than than five words to her this twelvemonth, and barely have talked to her in the half-dozen we've been at schoolhouse. You know nothing about her. Just that's the way you lot want it, right? That way you can call back your bigoted thoughts without any issue. Diana is ane of the nicest people I have ever met, including you. How dare you asperse her when you never even took the time to know her."

Lily stepped back in shock. "Sev, I…"

"No! I don't know who yous think you lot are that y'all can pass sentence on anyone not Gryffindor, but you've got a lot of nerve."

Lily stuck her nose in the air. "I'g sorry I even talked to you. Y'all're aught merely a Death Eater Wannabe. You deserve each other!"

She turned to storm off, simply Severus defenseless her arm.

"Practice you realize how horrid you audio?" he asked incredulously. "I thought we were friends, merely now I detect out that I was merely a means to an end to you. A window to the magical world that once you were a part of, y'all found it like shooting fish in a barrel to cast me to the wolves. Yous don't care if I become a Death Eater or not. You just care that I not shadow yous everywhere similar I used to. What's the matter, Lily? Do I embarrass you?"

Lily merely stared at him, her eyes wide.

"There was a fourth dimension when nosotros were inseparable, merely you threw all that away so you lot could be close to your biased, Gryffindor pack of fools."

He released her arm as if it was poisonous. "Fine," he said. "If that'south how much you cherish our friendship, fine. I'm done with you. I'1000 done feeling desperately. I apologized to you a multitude of times, and you couldn't find it in your huge, Gryffindor center to forgive me. Fine. I hadn't idea of you as a fair-conditions friend, but that'south obviously all you are. I promise y'all don't exit your other friends in the lurch the aforementioned way."

With that Severus himself turned and stalked off.

"Sev, wait!" Lily cried backside him.

He ignored her and moved faster down the pathway. The unmitigated gall of her. How could she be and then callous and vile? More chiefly, how had he not seen it before?

He stormed into the castle and down to the dungeons. Entering the Mutual Room, he quickly plant Diana sitting on a couch talking to a fifth-year girl. He threw himself down next to her and crossed his arms in forepart of him. He glowered at everyone other than Diana and waited for her to terminate her conversation. After a few minutes, Diana turned to him.

"What's up?" she asked. "You lot seem tense."

He turned to her and huffed. She looked at him blankly.

"Accept a walk with me," he said tersely.

"O… kay."

Diana got up, and he quickly did as well. They were soon back out in the hall, and he led her to an empty room. He motioned for her to go into it and airtight the door behind them. He waved his wand over the door, setting wards so they wouldn't exist disturbed.

He paced back and forth in forepart of her while she looked on curiously.

"What's wrong?" she said finally.

"I merely had a run-in with Lily."

He fabricated a quick turn and went the other way.

"Practice yous know what she said?" he asked her haughtily. "She wanted to know why I was dating you lot."

Diana's eyes narrowed. Severus turned to her.

"Vii months and the outset words she utters are accusatory tripe."

He turned from her and connected to pace.

"Severus, exhale. Stop pacing and accept some deep breaths. You lot're about to explode."

Severus continued to pace. He scowled.

"You lot were right, Diana. She's everything you said she was."

He felt Diana'south easily circumvoluted his arms, stopping him from moving.

"Severus… stop."

He did.

"Deep breaths with me. In through your nose, out through your mouth…. That'southward information technology."

She continued talking while Severus breathed and calmed himself. After a few minutes she transfigured a desk into a couch and led him to sit on it. She saturday side by side to him and took his mitt.

"What did she say?" Diana asked.

Severus looked at his friend. She'd managed to at-home him a scrap. He felt an analogousness for Diana in that moment. She was a true friend. His lips thinned as he thought of his previous best friend.

"She said awful things about yous. Then when I called her on it, she accused me of being a Expiry Eater once again."

"Tell me everything," Diana said.

He explained to her what Lily had said and his reactions. Diana smiled at him.

"Give thanks you for sticking up for me," she said.

"Of grade." Severus said.

"Are y'all okay?" Diana asked.

Severus looked abroad from her. "I'grand angry. What she said was uncalled for. You lot were right about her."

"Does that upset you?"

He met her eyes. "Information technology upsets me that it took me and then long to see what y'all constitute obvious."

"Severus, you know I brand it a habit of studying people. You were best friends. Of course, you thought the all-time of her."

Looking downward, Severus sighed. "I idea we were friends. I idea she cared for me."

Diana reached out and squeezed his mitt.

"I'thousand sorry, Severus. If it'due south any consolation, I recall she did a while ago."

"I just…"

"I know."

"How could she have changed so much?"

"Well," Diana said. "You've changed, likewise."

Severus looked up at her. "Yep, but not at the expense of my friends!"

Diana nodded. "Some people are more loyal than others."

"You're loyal."

"Yes, merely like you. Perhaps we both should have been sorted into Hufflepuff?"

Severus smirked at that. "Can you even imagine?"

Diana shook her caput furiously. "No manner!"

They both laughed, and Severus felt his acrimony allay. One thing he did feel within him was that he'd be okay with or without Lily, and he really didn't want to exist associated with the person she'd become.

Severus sat with Diana at the leaving feast. Just a few more hours before his sixth-year would be backside him. He was unsure what the future would agree, only he was excited to run into it come up. He wished he were done here at Hogwarts already, but he still had the last year left.

He looked at Diana, who was speaking with Avery excitedly. Avery laughed, then poked his head effectually her.

"Hey, Severus. I hear our acquaintance is looking for some assist this summer. You game?"

Severus noted the harsh look from Diana. She knew what the cryptic comment meant. Lucius Malfoy was looking for helpers for something to do with Voldemort. He also knew she thought he was besides good to get involved with such ilk. The thing was, the people who were involved with Voldemort'southward vision were the simply people other than Diana who actually showed him whatsoever respect or friendship. He wasn't sure he fully agreed with the mantra, but the ability that would exist afforded him and the community he'd get a part of were an bonny enticer.

"Aye," Severus answered finally. "Ship me an owl when you know what'south going on."

Avery nodded and turned to talk to Mulciber across the table. Diana glared at Severus, who in turn narrowed his optics at her.

"I suppose y'all're going to tell me how dark I am and bandage me off as a friend now?" he said caustically.

Diana'southward wait softened. She reached out and squeezed Severus mitt.

"You're my all-time friend, Severus. I would never abandon you like that. You know my position on this. I just feel that it would be a mistake you could mayhap regret for the rest of your life. I've heard that once you join him, there's no going back."

Severus' bristling softened as well. He nodded and looked to his plate.


He looked back at her.

"Whatsoever y'all choose to do… I know who you are inside, and I volition always be here for yous, okay?"

Severus gave her a shy grin and nodded.

"Thank you, Diana. I volition always be here for you lot as well."

Diana grinned back and squeezed his hand. She spoke a petty louder now.

"That'south why I dear yous, Dear Heart," she said with a grinning.

"And I y'all, My Treasure," Severus replied in a teasing way.

She released his hand and returned to her meal. Severus pondered her response to him about always being there. Shouldn't that have been the fashion Lily reacted to his choices? Isn't that what a true friend did?

He gazed down at his plate, sorrow filling him again. His optics ventured up, and he watched Lily talking with her friends. He used to be like them… someone she treated nicely. Someone she wanted to talk to and spend time with. But that was all gone now. Equally she'd said that terrible night, she had her way, he had his. Maybe he did favor the Slytherins who were Voldemort supporters, but she favored the boys who never let up on hexing and assaulting him. Perchance information technology was similar, but he didn't think information technology was the same at all.

He still missed her. He still wanted her to be his friend. He nevertheless wished that she could run across him as more just a friend, only he could now see that she wasn't going to ever run across him equally he truly was. And he wanted her to see him for who he was, not who she wished he would be. He understood he would never be what she thought he should be. But possibly her standards were too damn high?

His thoughts went to Diana, a daughter who could have given him the same reasoning for not being his friend. He knew she didn't similar his associates, merely she supported him anyway. She remained his friend. He may non have Lily, merely he did have Diana, and she was turning out to be more than of a loyal friend than Lily had e'er been. It was a bloodshot revelation, only he accustomed it and was glad for having her. At least someone was on his side.


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